Guest Post: Back to School Already?

Friday, July 20, 2018

I'm excited to have a guest post by Kayden from Always Thinking About Teaching. Kayden is a 4th grade teacher and fellow BSU Alumni. She is a a super upbeat person whom you will instantly love chatting with. She is a big proponent of flexible seating and has the cutest classroom pets!

Back to school, here we come! I have to say I can't believe it is already almost August. August means "go time"! As a teacher, the back to school to-do list is one of the longest. I feel like there is so much to do in such a little amount of time. Even with helpful tips and tricks, it seems like there is always something more you need to do. I am in the middle of resetting up my entire classroom. My whole school had to change classrooms because upper and lower grades swapped hallways. The process of back to school preparation seems a lot more stressful this year. Not only am I doing the basic preparations, I am having to reorganize and set everything back up.

If I had to prioritize my top three back to school items here they are. 
  • First, figure out your classroom rules. Classroom rules are essential to be successful for the year. You need to start strong to end strong. The most important thing about classroom rules is teaching, rehearsing, and reinforcing. 
  • The second thing would be classroom management. Figure out what works for you. You do not need to use what your teaching partners do, but something that you are comfortable with. It can be a clip chart, economy, classroom coupons, Dojo, Love & Logic, etc. 
  • Last, write and practice lesson plans for the first week of school. Over plan. You never know what it's going to look like in real life. Plan to teach your expectations, drills, procedures, etc.
In the end, even if you don't get to your entire back to school list completed, remember it will all be okay. Remember the "why" of becoming a teacher and know it is alright to make mistakes. Be confident, have fun, and don't be too hard on yourself. You are only a human, not a superhero. Do your best and smile.


  1. I love this post! This is so true to my life right now! We had to take down all our stuff and move all our furniture at the end of last year so the carpet and walls could be cleaned. So I am in the same boat of having to set everything back up. In addition, I have the never ending list of things to do, as mentioned. It feels like once I cross one thing off, I add two more! Thanks for this post! I enjoyed it and can relate.

    1. I agree that the list goes on for miles, especially at back to school time! I viewed my tear down of my classroom as an opportunity to change things up and organize. I have to admit, while its been a ton of work, it's felt great!

  2. It is a good reminder that we are only human. It is easy to place so many lofty expectations on yourself!

    1. Isn't it though? I'm a huge Pinterest and Instagram girl. I love to pour over all of the cute classroom and lessons teachers are doing. But at the end of the day, I can't kill myself being Pinterest worthy all the time.

  3. Great post. I used to think teachers had cookie cutter lesson plans and had everything prepared way in advanced. It must be challenging to teach the younger grades. I was wondering how your school introduces computers or technology to your students. My daughter used to go to a school that "forced" technology instead of slowing integrating technology into their curriculum.

    1. Even within my 5th grade team at my school, we all teach our curriculum differently. It's the fun of being a teacher. Customizing your lessons to your class. As for technology, I do spend a little time at the beginning of the year building computer skills with my students. We complete a Google Driver's License course that they love! Beyond that, I incorporate it organically into what I teach.

  4. I can't believe it is almost August as well! I feel like it takes forever to get to the 4th of July and then after that the rest of the summer seems to fly by. I think with things like classroom rules and management, teachers should take time before the new school year to reflect on what worked, what didn't, and what changes should be made from the previous year. I know it took a few years for me to develop these to a point where I make very few changes but I still take the time to reflect. Over planning is a great tip. I always have an extra puzzle or practice worksheet copied in case my lesson ends early. Nothing is worse than your supervisor popping in for the last 5-10 minutes of class and your kids are all packed up and waiting to leave!

    1. I must be really good at overplanning because I feel like we never quite finish those first week activities! :) But I agree that you don't want kids sitting around the first day of school, especially when the principal comes in.
